Ulrika Palm leaves Midsona

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Ulrika Palm, Midsona's Division Director Nordics since 2018 and part of Midsona's Group Management since 2016, has chosen to leave the company for a position outside the company.

Ulrika will leave her position at Midsona in the autumn of 2024. Midsona now starts the process to recruit Ulrika’s successor.

"During her more than eight years in the company, Ulrika has played a crucial role in Midsona's journey in the Nordic region. We would like to thank Ulrika for her invaluable contributions and genuine commitment and at the same time wish her the best of luck in her new assignment" says Peter Åsberg, President and CEO of Midsona.


Peter Åsberg, President and CEO

Phone: +46 (0)730 26 16 32

E-mail: peter.asberg@midsona.com


Midsona develops and markets strong brands within health and well-being, with products that help people live a healthier and more sustainable life, with an increased understanding of the origin of the raw material and with transparency as to the content. The Midsona share is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information www.midsona.com/en.

Dokument och länkar

Press Release - Changes in Group Management